MAPEI – Epoxy Adhesives and Waterproofing
Epoxy Adhesives
Epojet is a two-component, 100%-solids, low-viscosity epoxy resin for pressure injection and sealing of cracks in structural concrete, masonry and wood.
Epojet LV is a moisture-tolerant, two-component, 100%-solids, very low-viscosity, epoxy injection resin that deeply penetrates as well as seals dry and damp hairline, non-dynamic cracks.
Resfoam HB 45 is a low-viscosity, flexible, hydrophobic polyurethane grout used to stop water infiltration in concrete structures.
Resfoam HL 35 is a single-component, water-activated, hydrophilic polyurethane used for sealing cracks or joints in concrete structures that are subject to continuous moisture exposure.
Resfoam SS 75 is a low-viscosity, hydrophobic polyurethane grout used for soil stabilization in a variety of water-bearing soils.